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Khan Academy Matematik: En komplett och rolig resurs för alla nivåer

Khan Academy Matematik: Learn Math Online for Free

Do you want to improve your math skills, prepare for an exam, or explore new topics? If so, you might want to check out Khan Academy Matematik, a free online learning platform that offers hundreds of math courses for all levels and ages. In this article, we will tell you what Khan Academy Matematik is, why you should learn math with it, how you can get started, and what courses you can take.

What is Khan Academy Matematik?

A brief introduction to Khan Academy and its mission

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization that aims to provide a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. It was founded in 2008 by Salman Khan, a former hedge fund analyst who started making math videos for his cousins and then uploaded them on YouTube. Since then, Khan Academy has grown into a global platform that offers thousands of videos, exercises, quizzes, articles, and interactive lessons on various subjects, such as math, science, history, art, and more.

khan academy matematik

A description of the matematik section and its features

The matematik section of Khan Academy is one of its most popular and comprehensive sections. It covers everything from basic arithmetic to advanced calculus, as well as statistics, geometry, algebra, trigonometry, and more. You can choose from different grade levels (from kindergarten to college) or topics (from fractions to differential equations) depending on your goals and interests. You can also take placement tests to find out your current level and get personalized recommendations.

One of the best features of Khan Academy Matematik is that it adapts to your pace and style of learning. You can watch short videos that explain concepts in a clear and engaging way, practice problems that give you instant feedback and hints, earn points and badges that motivate you to keep learning, and track your progress and mastery on your dashboard. You can also join a class or create your own one to learn with others.

Why should you learn matematik with Khan Academy?

The benefits of online learning and personalized learning

Learning matematik online with Khan Academy has many benefits compared to traditional classroom learning. For example:

  • You can learn at your own pace and level. You can skip what you already know, review what you need, and challenge yourself with new topics. You can also get personalized feedback and guidance from the platform.

  • You can learn in a fun and interactive way. You can watch videos that use real-world examples and animations, practice problems that are gamified and adaptive, and explore concepts with interactive simulations and tools.

  • You can learn with a supportive community. You can join or create classes with your teachers, peers, or friends, and share your progress and questions. You can also access a library of resources and tutorials from other learners and experts.

The advantages of Khan Academy's matematik curriculum and content

Besides the benefits of online learning, Khan Academy's matematik curriculum and content also have some advantages that make them stand out from other online math platforms. For example:

  • They are aligned with the common core standards and other international standards. This means that they are relevant and useful for your academic goals and expectations.

  • They are comprehensive and diverse. They cover a wide range of topics and skills, from basic to advanced, from pure to applied, from theoretical to practical. They also offer courses on math-related subjects, such as computer science, economics, physics, and more.

  • They are high-quality and reliable. They are created by experts and educators who have a deep understanding of math and pedagogy. They are also reviewed and updated regularly to ensure accuracy and clarity.

How can you get started with Khan Academy Matematik?

The steps to create an account and choose a course

Getting started with Khan Academy Matematik is easy and free. All you need is an internet connection and a device (such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone). Here are the steps to follow:

  • Go to Khan Academy Matematik website and click on the "Sign up" button on the top right corner.

  • Choose how you want to sign up: as a learner, a teacher, or a parent. You can also sign up with your Google, Facebook, or Apple account.

  • Fill in your details, such as your name, email, password, date of birth, and country. You can also choose your language preference.

  • Choose your goal: whether you want to learn for fun, for school, for college, or for career.

  • Choose your course: you can either take a placement test to find out your level, or browse the courses by grade level or topic.

  • Start learning: you can watch videos, practice problems, take quizzes, read articles, and explore interactive lessons.

The tips to make the most of your learning experience

To make the most of your learning experience on Khan Academy Matematik, here are some tips to follow:

khan academy matematik begyndermatematik

khan academy matematik børnehaveklasse

khan academy matematik 1. klasse

khan academy matematik 2. klasse

khan academy matematik 3. klasse

khan academy matematik 4. klasse

khan academy matematik 5. klasse

khan academy matematik 6. klasse

khan academy matematik 7. klasse

khan academy matematik 8. klasse

khan academy matematik aritmetik

khan academy matematik pladsværdier

khan academy matematik addition og subtraktion

khan academy matematik multiplikation og division

khan academy matematik brøker og decimaltal

khan academy matematik potenser og 10'er potenser

khan academy matematik negative tal

khan academy matematik variable og udtryk

khan academy matematik ligninger og uligheder

khan academy matematik forholdsregning og procent

khan academy matematik geometri og målinger

khan academy matematik figurer og vinkler

khan academy matematik areal og omkreds

khan academy matematik rumfang og koordinatsystemet

khan academy matematik data og statistik

khan academy matematik tid og måleenheder

khan academy matematik algebraisk tænkning og ligningssystemer

khan academy matematik lineære ligninger og funktioner

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khan academy matematik multiplika af brøker og division af brøker

khan academy matematik multiplika af decimaltal og division af decimaltal

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khan academy matematik firkanter, cirkler, cylindre, kegler og sfærer

khan academy matematik geometriske transformationer og vinkelrelationer

khan academy matematik skala, trekantssidelængder og pythagoras' læresætning

khan academy matematik regnearternes hierarki og regnearternes rækkefølge

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khan academy matematik introduktion til multiplika, division, areal, vægt og rumfang

khan academy matematik måling af tid, penge, data, prikdiagrammer og egenskaber for figurer

  • Set a schedule: try to learn regularly and consistently, at least a few times a week. You can also set reminders and notifications to keep yourself on track.

  • Set a goal: try to have a clear and specific goal for each learning session, such as completing a unit, mastering a skill, or solving a challenge.

  • Set a challenge: try to push yourself beyond your comfort zone and explore new topics or levels. You can also take advantage of the extra resources and tools that Khan Academy offers.

  • Seek help: if you get stuck or confused, don't hesitate to ask for help. You can use the hints and explanations that the platform provides, or reach out to other learners or teachers on the community forums or chat.

  • Have fun: don't forget to enjoy your learning journey and celebrate your achievements. You can also share your progress and feedback with others on social media or email.

What are some of the matematik courses you can take on Khan Academy?

A table that shows some of the courses by grade level and topic

Here is a table that shows some of the matematik courses you can take on Khan Academy by grade level and topic. This is not a complete list, but it gives you an idea of the variety and scope of the courses available.

Grade level


Course name


Pre-K - 8th grade

Early math review

Early math review

This course covers the essential skills and concepts for kindergarten to 2nd grade, such as counting, addition, subtraction, place value, measurement, and geometry.

3rd grade

Multiplication and division

Intro to multiplication

This course introduces the concept and properties of multiplication, as well as how to multiply by 1-digit numbers and divide with remainders.

4th grade

Fractions and decimals

Understand fractions

This course explains how to represent, compare, and operate with fractions, as well as how to convert between fractions and decimals.

5th grade

Powers of ten and exponents

Powers of ten

This course teaches how to use powers of ten and exponents to represent large and small numbers, as well as how to perform arithmetic operations with them.

6th grade

Ratios and rates


This course explores how to use ratios and rates to compare quantities, as well as how to solve problems involving proportions, percentages, and unit conversions.

7th grade

Negative numbers and expressions

Negative numbers: addition and subtraction

This course shows how to add and subtract negative numbers, as well as how to simplify and evaluate expressions with negative numbers.

8th grade

Linear equations and functions

Linear equations and functions

This course covers how to graph and solve linear equations and inequalities, as well as how to analyze and interpret linear functions.

9th grade

Quadratic equations and functions

Quadratic equations and functions

This course covers how to graph and solve quadratic equations and inequalities, as well as how to analyze and interpret quadratic functions.

10th grade

Trigonometry and geometry


This course introduces the basic concepts and applications of trigonometry, such as angles, right triangles, sine, cosine, tangent, and the unit circle.

11th grade

Probability and statistics


This course explains how to calculate and interpret probabilities, as well as how to use them to model real-world situations and events.

12th grade

Calculus and differential equations

Calculus 1

This course introduces the fundamental concepts and techniques of calculus, such as limits, derivatives, integrals, and applications.

College level

Linear algebra and multivariable calculus

Linear algebra

This course covers the essential topics and methods of linear algebra, such as matrices, vectors, systems of equations, linear transformations, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors.

Other topics

Computer science and economics

Computer programming

This course teaches the basics of computer programming using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and other tools. You can learn how to create animations, games, web pages, and more.

A brief overview of each course and what you can learn from it

In this section, we will give you a brief overview of each course listed in the table above and what you can learn from it. Of course, this is not a complete description of each course, but it will give you an idea of what to expect.

Early math review: This course covers the essential skills and concepts for kindergarten to 2nd grade, such as counting, addition, subtraction, place value, measurement, and geometry. You can learn how to count to 1000, add and subtract within 20, compare numbers and shapes, measure length and time, and more.

Intro to multiplication: This course introduces the concept and properties of multiplication, as well as how to multiply by 1-digit numbers and divide with remainders. You can learn how to use arrays, area models, repeated addition, skip counting, and other strategies to multiply numbers up to 100. You can also learn how to divide numbers up to 100 using equal groups, sharing, or long division.

Understand fractions: This course explains how to represent, compare, and operate with fractions, as well as how to convert between fractions and decimals. You can learn how to use fraction models, number lines, equivalent fractions, common denominators, mixed numbers, improper fractions, and more. You can also learn how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions by whole numbers and other fractions. You can also learn how to convert fractions to decimals and vice versa.

Powers of ten: This course teaches how to use powers of ten and exponents to represent large and small numbers, as well as how to perform arithmetic operations with them. You can learn how to write numbers in scientific notation, standard notation, and expanded notation. You can also learn how to multiply, divide, add, and subtract numbers with different powers of ten.

Ratios: This course explores how to use ratios and rates to compare quantities, as well as how to solve problems involving proportions, percentages, and unit conversions. You can learn how to write and simplify ratios, find equivalent ratios, use tables and graphs to represent ratios, and use cross-multiplication to solve proportions. You can also learn how to find and use unit rates, convert between units, and calculate percentages.

Negative numbers: addition and subtraction: This course shows how to add and subtract negative numbers, as well as how to simplify and evaluate expressions with negative numbers. You can learn how to use number lines, counters, rules, and algorithms to add and subtract integers. You can also learn how to use the order of operations, the distributive property, and combining like terms to simplify expressions with negative numbers.

Linear equations and functions: This course covers how to graph and solve linear equations and inequalities, as well as how to analyze and interpret linear functions. You can learn how to use slope-intercept form, point-slope form, standard form, and other forms of linear equations. You can also learn how to use tables, graphs, equations, and words to represent linear functions. You can also learn how to find the slope, intercepts, zeros, and solutions of linear equations and inequalities.

Quadratic equations and functions: This course covers how to graph and solve quadratic equations and inequalities, as well as how to analyze and interpret quadratic functions. You can learn how to use vertex form, standard form, factored form, and other forms of quadratic equations. You can also learn how to use tables, graphs, equations, and words to represent quadratic functions. You can also learn how to find the vertex, axis of symmetry, roots, solutions, and maximum or minimum values of quadratic equations and inequalities.

Trigonometry: This course introduces the basic concepts and applications of trigonometry, such as angles, right triangles, sine, cosine, tangent, and the unit circle. You can learn how to use the Pythagorean theorem, the SOHCAHTOA mnemonic, the special right triangles, and the trigonometric ratios to find missing sides and angles of right triangles. You can also learn how to use the unit circle, the radian measure, the reference angles, and the trigonometric functions to find values of angles and points on the coordinate plane.

Probability: This course explains how to calculate and interpret probabilities, as well as how to use them to model real-world situations and events. You can learn how to use fractions, decimals, percentages, and ratios to express probabilities. You can also learn how to use tree diagrams, tables, Venn diagrams, and formulas to find probabilities of compound events. You can also learn how to use simulations, experiments, and data to estimate probabilities and test hypotheses.

Calculus 1: This course introduces the fundamental concepts and techniques of calculus, such as limits, derivatives, integrals, and applications. You can learn how to use limits to find the behavior of functions near a point or at infinity. You can also learn how to use derivatives to find the rate of change, the slope, the tangent line, the optimization, and the related rates of functions. You can also learn how to use integrals to find the area under a curve, the average value, the accumulation, and the antiderivatives of functions.

Linear algebra: This course covers the essential topics and methods of linear algebra, such as matrices, vectors, systems of equations, linear transformations, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors. You can learn how to perform operations with matrices and vectors, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, inversion, and transposition. You can also learn how to use matrices and vectors to solve systems of linear equations using methods such as elimination, substitution, row reduction, and inverse matrices. You can also learn how to use linear transformations to map vectors from one space to another. You can also learn how to find eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices using methods such as characteristic polynomials and determinants.

Computer programming: This course teaches the basics of computer programming using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and other tools. You can learn how to create animations, games, web pages, and more. You can learn how to use variables, data types, operators, expressions, statements, functions, loops, conditionals, arrays, objects, and other elements of programming. You can also learn how to use HTML tags, attributes, elements, and styles to structure and style your web pages. You can also learn how to use libraries, frameworks, APIs, and other tools to enhance your projects.


A summary of the main points and a call to action

Khan Academy Matematik is a free online learning platform that offers hundreds of math courses for all levels and ages. You can learn math online with Khan Academy for many reasons, such as:

  • You can learn anytime, anywhere, at your own pace and level.

  • You can learn in a fun and interactive way with videos, exercises, quizzes, and interactive lessons.

You can le


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