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Facebook Gmail Sign Up

Ever wonder why you searched for a new dresser and are suddenly getting ads from different furniture manufacturers? It all has to do with data sharing, according to Kim Komando, the host of the Kim Komando Show, a radio talk show that discusses tech, data, and the digital lifestyle. To control this, Komando recommends performing a privacy checkup to identify additional accounts you may have signed up with through your Facebook or Google/Gmail account.

facebook gmail sign up

In a feature for USA Today, Komando cautioned against using your accounts to sign in to different websites. It may seem easier to use your existing accounts to access new content, rather than setting up a separate account and password on the site itself. But when doing this, information about what you do or read on the website is likely shared with Facebook and Google, which may return the favor and share data back.

Gmail is user-friendly and convenient, and when you use Google's browser Chrome, features and apps are even easier to integrate. This convenience also comes with some challenges, as the platform allows you to sign up for other accounts using your overarching Google account.

To check for services that may be connected, sign in to your Google account, click Security on the left-hand side, and then scroll down to Linked Accounts. This will reveal any accounts that you have previously signed up for via Google. Simply click Unlink to remove access. If you get pushback and are unable to unlink, this is also by design. You'll need to visit the third-party site directly and look for instructions to unlink connected accounts.

Facebook Protect(Opens in a new window) provides an extra layer of security for accounts the company deems to be high risk. It was initially set up to help elected officials, political candidates, and their staff avoid account hacks that could help spread disinformation. With the increased threat of a Russian cyberattack and the 2022 US midterm elections on the horizon, Facebook has expanded the program(Opens in a new window) to include those with high follower counts, an association with important Pages, or who hold significance in the greater community.

If you weren't specifically notified by Facebook to enable Facebook Protect, there isn't any action you need to (or can) take by the deadline. The option to enable the feature in your settings won't even show up until Facebook specifically asks you to sign up.

While signing up, Yahoo allows you to import contacts from multiple sources, including Facebook, to get you started. This will make your process much faster. If you selected this option, jump to step 3.

You can let your users authenticate with Firebase using their Facebook accountsby integrating Facebook Login into your app. You can integrate Facebook Logineither by using the Firebase SDK to carry out the sign-in flow, or by carryingout the Facebook Login flow manually and passing the resulting access token toFirebase.

If you are building a web app, the easiest way to authenticate your userswith Firebase using their Facebook accounts is to handle the sign-in flow withthe Firebase JavaScript SDK. (If you want to authenticate a user in Node.jsor other non-browser environment, you must handle the sign-in flow manually.)

If you enabled the One account per email address setting in the Firebase console,when a user tries to sign in a to a provider (such as Facebook) with an email that alreadyexists for another Firebase user's provider (such as Google), the errorauth/account-exists-with-different-credential is thrown along with anAuthCredential object (Facebook access token). To complete the sign in to theintended provider, the user has to sign first to the existing provider (Google) and then link to theformer AuthCredential (Facebook access token).

Only popup operations (signInWithPopup, linkWithPopup, andreauthenticateWithPopup) are available to Chrome extensions, as Chrome extensionscannot use HTTP redirects. You should call these methods from a background page script rather thana browser action popup, as the authentication popup will cancel the browser action popup. The popupmethods may only be used in extensions usingManifest V2. The newerManifest V3 only allowsbackground scripts in the form of service workers, which cannot perform the popup operations atall.

This will also be used as the redirect mechanism for OAuth sign in. That domain would need to be allowed for all supported OAuth providers. However, this means that users may see that domain while signing in to Facebook before redirecting back to the application: Continue to:

While the message might appear like a legitimate email from Facebook, there's one way to know for sure. Readers can look at the "From" part of the email in order to determine if it came from a legitimate Facebook email address. In this case below, it came from a strange email address ending in "" We saw another of the scam emails with "" Neither of these is an official Facebook email address, meaning that it's a scam.

So what are some of the official Facebook email addresses?,, and are three trustworthy email accounts that are owned by Facebook. If readers receive an email that is legitimately from one of these email addresses, then it is not a scam.

Jacqui Lane has been writing professionally for print and the web since 2004. She got her start at a small publisher, where she wrote, edited, designed advertising and handled page layout for up to five magazines a month. She writes primarily about video games, technology and internet culture. Lane holds a Bachelor of Arts in online journalism from Marshall University.

*Unlimited Sip Club: *New subscribers that sign up for a monthly Unlimited Sip Club Subscription from 2/2/2023 12:01 PT through 2/9/2023 11:59 PT will receive free Unlimited Sip Club through 3/31/2023. The Unlimited Sip Club Subscription is available for registration and redemption in participating U.S. Panera Bread bakery-cafes. Must be a MyPanera member and at least 18 years of age or older to register. Registration available online only including Kiosk. You may cancel at any time. If you do not cancel either before your renewal date or after the expiration of any free trial or discounted subscription offer, your credit card will automatically be charged $11.99 plus tax for the monthly subscription and will be charged on a recurring monthly basis every 30 days thereafter until you cancel your subscription. To cancel your subscription online, visit the Cancellation section at -us/mypanera/subscription/terms-and-conditions.html or on the Panera Bread app. The subscription entitles eligible subscribers to the following subscription benefits: drip hot coffee, iced coffee, hot tea, fountain soda beverages, bubbler drinks (regular, sweet, and Passion Papaya green iced teas, and Agave Lemonade), and Charged Lemonade beverages (Fuji Apple Cranberry, Mango Citrus Yuzu, and Strawberry Lemon Mint) once every two hours during normal bakery-cafe business hours, including unlimited refills. Beverages may vary by location. Excludes all other beverages, including, without limitation, bottled beverages, smoothies, frozen blended drinks, cold brew iced coffee, and espresso and cappuccino beverages. Customizations, including, but not limited to, added espresso and added syrups (Madagascar vanilla, bittersweet chocolate, cinnamon, and caramel) are not included in the subscription monthly price. Upcharges apply. Other additions such as milk, skim milk, almond milk, half & half, and sweeteners are included in the monthly subscription price. One subscription per person. Excludes catering orders and orders placed on third party delivery sites. Visit here for complete terms -us/mypanera/subscription/terms-and-conditions.html.

An identity provider creates, maintains, and manages identity information while providing authentication services to applications. When sharing your apps and resources with external users, Azure AD is the default identity provider for sharing. This means when you invite external users who already have an Azure AD or Microsoft account, they can automatically sign in without further configuration on your part.

Azure Active Directory accounts: Guest users can use their Azure AD work or school accounts to redeem your B2B collaboration invitations or complete your sign-up user flows. Azure Active Directory is one of the allowed identity providers by default. No additional configuration is needed to make this identity provider available for user flows.

Microsoft accounts: Guest users can use their own personal Microsoft account (MSA) to redeem your B2B collaboration invitations. When setting up a self-service sign-up user flow, you can add Microsoft Account as one of the allowed identity providers. No additional configuration is needed to make this identity provider available for user flows.

Email one-time passcode: When redeeming an invitation or accessing a shared resource, a guest user can request a temporary code, which is sent to their email address. Then they enter this code to continue signing in. The email one-time passcode feature authenticates B2B guest users when they can't be authenticated through other means. When setting up a self-service sign-up user flow, you can add Email One-Time Passcode as one of the allowed identity providers. Some setup is required; see Email one-time passcode authentication.

Google: Google federation allows external users to redeem invitations from you by signing in to your apps with their own Gmail accounts. Google federation can also be used in your self-service sign-up user flows. See how to add Google as an identity provider.

Facebook: When building an app, you can configure self-service sign-up and enable Facebook federation so that users can sign up for your app using their own Facebook accounts. Facebook can only be used for self-service sign-up user flows and isn't available as a sign-in option when users are redeeming invitations from you. See how to add Facebook as an identity provider.


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